We are entering the dandelion season in Northwest Ohio. These plants are the bane of most home-owners’ lawns. Nonetheless, I was saddened this week when Crayola announced it is going to ‘retire’ the dandelion shade of yellow in its boxes of crayons.

            Will I miss it? Not personally since I rarely use crayons. But there is a tremendous association between dandelions and kids. Children often pick bouquets of dandelions for their mothers. When dandelions go into seed and form a white puff ball, kids love to blow the seeds into the wind, often to parent’s dismay. And, most importantly, kids differ from adults in their response to dandelions in the yard. Parents see dandelions as unwanted intruders. Kids simply love their bright colors.

            Since crayons are mostly used by children, let kids have a shade reminiscent of the bright yellow flowers they love. Let the bright color shine!

            Dandelions may be a nuisance to many people, but the truth is we all need color in our lives. Bright yellow, the shade of dandelions, can quickly become a favorite.

“The God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth vegetation:

every kind of plant that bears seed….’”

Genesis 1:11


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